Twain Financial Partners was honored by the St. Louis Business Journal as a finalist in the Best Places to Work awards for 2020. According to their website, more than 200 nominations were submitted. Twain is thrilled to have been named a finalist in the medium category, which consists of companies between 50 and 99 employees.
Companies that participated in the contest were required to complete anonymous surveys through a third-party website. Participants answered questions and graded the firm based on communication, management structure, benefits, teamwork and other factors.
“Twain fully embraces a culture that is beneficial to the whole person,” commented one employee on the survey. “Twain offers monthly massages, flexible working hours, casual dress code, monthly lunch and learn trainings, ClassPass discount, and fully-paid health insurance. From the time I started working at Twain through now, my fellow employees frequently rave over how much they enjoy working at Twain. I’ve never seen people so happy to show up to work each day, and our top leadership drives that culture on a regular basis.”